Magento News

Magento News Weekly 024: Fix Broken Magento 2 Installation, Magento 2: Layout Arguments vs Action Methods, Create Custom Facebook Module ...

Magento news weekly 24

Howdy fellow Magenticians!

Your source of reviews and links to the finest Magento related publications on the internet, from this past week, is here!

There’s a lot to discuss so let’s begin without delay.

Starting off with some important information and advice from the official Magento dev site. The Magento Platform developers use the Basic Coding Standard and Coding Style Guide. They recommend that you do the same for Magento Development. To see the class name resolution standards examples, see PHP coding standard.

Nenad Andrakovic is a frontend developer and team lead at Inchoo. He explains how confusing it is to start working with Magento 2, despite the availability of official documentation. In Working with CSS in your first Magento 2 project, Nenad explains in-depth how he worked on his first Magento 2 project. He created a new theme using the tools of Grunt, Less, Livereload. Knowing how a fellow professional frontend developer works can generate great ideas for your own workflow.

David Philip explains the process of Creating A Magento 2 Command Line Module + Video Tutorial. Apart from the well-written blog post, he has complemented it with a video walking you through the whole process. First, he elaborates on the need for your own command line. You can do stuff like changing the product price, SKU etc. and much more. Then come the other sections of the article: creating the module, enabling it, determining its structure, configuring the CL, setting up the interface, reindexing, command class, and finally, testing the module.

Speaking of modules, Wajid Hussain has penned down a composition detailing How To Create Custom Facebook Module In Magento 2. As Wajid states in the article, a Facebook like can amplify the effect of advocacy marketing by catching the attention of the Facebook user’s friends. The piece discusses the module structure, declaring and configuring the module, creating MVC structure of the module, activating your module. Why use external modules for Facebook, when you can create your own and customize it to your liking?

Many changes have occurred in Magento 2, relative to Magento 1. One of those is calling methods from layout update XML files. The official Magento guys discourage the use of <action method=”…”/> for this purpose. So, what is the substitute for this task? It’s the <arguments/> node. Find out how to use it, by reading Alan Storm’s article, Magento 2: Layout Arguments vs Action Methods.

Ripping your hair out because of problems with Magento 2 installation? Or do you know a newbie who is facing problems with installation and can’t seem to figure out what’s the hold up? Our very own Fayyaz Khattak details How To Fix Broken Magento 2 Installation. Shoo away 404 responses, no styles or javascript loading, broken admin URL, mess frontend design, or CSS problems. Five of the installation demons are slayed by Fayyaz.

Attention residents of Southeastern USA. A Magento meetup is happening in Atlanta which you must attend. Apart from the treasure trove of technical knowledge which is on the agenda, there are three major benefits to you by being at the Southeast Magento Meetup. You will get valuable information about online branding, Q&A session which can answer your burning Magento-related questions, and networking. Dani Beach elaborates on how all of this can help your business in 3 Things To Expect From The August Southeast Magento Meetup.

We’re eager to know about awesome Magento articles on the web. Holler at us with your composition if you feel it will be interesting to your fellow Magenticians.

Stay safe, stay happy and keep selling on Magento. Until next Friday, goodbye!

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