Most ecommerce stores have multiple admin users to simplify store management processes. Every admin user has a different role in store management. In Magento 2, creating an admin user is a simple matter of following a few steps.
So today in this tutorial, I am going to demonstrate how to add admin user in Magento 2. There are two methods to accomplish this target:
- Create Magento 2 Admin User Via CLI
- Create Magento 2 Admin User Through Admin User
Method 1: Create Magento 2 Admin User Using The Command Line
Launch the SSH terminal and connect to your store. Go to the root directory of your Magento 2 store and run the following command:
php bin/magento admin:user:create --admin-user='muneeb' --admin-password='magento123!' --admin-email='muneeb@app317.cloudwayssites.com' --admin-firstname='Syed' --admin-lastname='Muneeb'
If the command completes successfully, you will get the following message:
Created Magento administrator user named muneeb
Run the following command to get the list of all the options for creating admin user in Magento 2:
php bin/magento admin:user:create --help
Method 2: Create Magento 2 Admin User Through Admin Panel
Open the admin panel of your Magento 2 store and navigate to SYSTEM → All Users:
Now click Add New User:
Here, you have to enter the details of the user.
Let’s start with the Account Information section:
- If you want to set the language for the admin interface, select it from the Interface Locale drop-down menu.
- Don’t forget to select Active from This account is option.
Now move to the next section, Current User Identity Verification. Enter your password in the Your Password field to verify your identity:
Now click on User Role from the USER INFORMATION tab and set the role of the user. By default Magento 2 have one role available – Administrators:
Finally, click Save User at the top of the New User page:
I hope you can now easily add admin user in Magento 2 store by following any of the above two methods mentioned in this guide. If you still have any confusion, drop your query below and I will get back to you!